CBD Laws and Regulations in Romania

CBD Laws

Are you curious about the legality of CBD in Romania? If so, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the laws and regulations surrounding CBD in Romania, including its production, sale, and consumption. Whether you’re a resident of Romania or are simply interested in learning more, this article will provide you with the knowledge you need.

Key Takeaways

  • CBD laws and regulations in Romania are persistent as long as they contain less than 0.2% THC.
  • Individuals must be at least 18 years old to purchase CBD products in Romania.
  • There are strict regulations regarding the cultivation and production of CBD in Romania, including the requirement for a license.
  • Retailers must follow specific rules and guidelines when selling CBD products in Romania.
  • The future outlook for CBD regulations in Romania is uncertain, but there are no major changes expected in the near future.

Understanding the Legal Status of CBD in Romania

If you are interested in purchasing or using CBD products in Romania, it is important to understand the legal status of CBD in the country.

As of 2021, CBD products are legal in Romania as long as they contain no more than 0.2% THC by weight. THC is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis that can cause a “high”.

While CBD is legal, it is not considered a dietary supplement, and it cannot be marketed as such. This means that CBD products cannot make health claims or be sold as a cure for any specific medical condition.

Additionally, while CBD is legal in Romania, it is important to note that possession of any cannabis product containing more than 0.2% THC is illegal and can result in criminal charges.

Understanding the Legal Status of CBD in Romania

If you are unsure about the legal status of a specific CBD product in Romania, it is recommended that you consult with a legal professional or local authorities before purchasing or consuming it.

CBD Cultivation and Production Regulations in Romania

When it comes to cultivating and producing CBD in Romania, there are several regulations that must be followed. The production of CBD products is legal, as long as they contain less than 0.2% THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in cannabis. This means that CBD products in Romania must be derived from industrial hemp rather than marijuana.

In order to cultivate industrial hemp, farmers must obtain a license from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The license application process involves providing detailed information about the intended cultivation site, including its location, size, and security measures.

Once the license is obtained, farmers must adhere to strict guidelines regarding the cultivation and harvesting of industrial hemp. For example, the plants must be grown in a designated area with a minimum distance of 100 meters from residential areas. Additionally, the plants must be harvested at a specific time to ensure that the THC content remains below the legal limit.

When it comes to the production of CBD products, manufacturers must comply with regulations set forth by the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices. This includes obtaining manufacturing authorization and following guidelines for good manufacturing practices.

Regulation Details

Furthermore, all CBD products must be tested by an accredited laboratory to ensure that they meet the legal requirements for THC content. The results of these tests must be made available to consumers upon request.

Legal THC LimitLess than 0.2%
LicensingLicense required from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Cultivation GuidelinesDesignated cultivation area, minimum distance from residential areas, specific harvesting time
Manufacturing AuthorizationRequired from the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices
TestingAll CBD products must be tested by an accredited laboratory

Overall, the regulations for CBD cultivation and production in Romania are strict in order to ensure that CBD products meet the legal requirements for THC content and are safe for consumers to use.

Selling and Distributing CBD in Romania

If you are interested in selling or distributing CBD products in Romania, it is important to understand the specific regulations in place for retailers. The sale and distribution of CBD products are legal in Romania, but there are strict rules in place for retailers to follow.

Firstly, retailers must obtain the necessary licenses and permits to sell CBD products in Romania. This includes obtaining a license from the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices or the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, depending on the product being sold.

Additionally, retailers must ensure that their CBD products meet the legal standards set by the government. This means that the products must contain less than 0.2% THC and must be derived from industrial hemp. The products must also be labeled accurately and clearly, stating the CBD content and any other relevant information.

Retailers are also prohibited from making any health claims about their CBD products, as this is considered a violation of Romanian law. Any promotional or marketing materials must be reviewed and approved by government agencies before they can be used.

It is worth noting that while the sale and distribution of CBD products is legal in Romania, the use of CBD for medical purposes is not yet legal. This means that retailers cannot market their products as medicinal or make any medical claims about them.

Overall, if you are interested in selling or distributing CBD products in Romania, it is important to understand the specific regulations and requirements in place. By adhering to these rules and ensuring that your products meet the legal standards, you can operate within the law and provide consumers with high-quality CBD products.

Consumer Restrictions and Legal Limits for CBD in Romania

It is important to note that there are certain consumer restrictions and legal limits in place for CBD products in Romania. These regulations are meant to protect consumers and ensure the safety and quality of the products being sold.

Legal Limits

In Romania, CBD products must contain less than 0.2% THC in order to be considered legal. THC is the psychoactive component in cannabis that is responsible for the “high” associated with the plant. Any CBD product that contains more than this amount of THC is considered illegal and may result in legal consequences.

It is important to note that this legal limit is in line with the regulations set forth by the European Union, of which Romania is a member state. These regulations are meant to ensure consistency in the quality and safety of CBD products across member states.

Consumer Restrictions

There are currently no age restrictions in place for the purchase of CBD regarding laws and regulations in Romania. However, it is recommended that minors do not consume these products without the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Consumers should also be aware that CBD products are not meant to be used as a substitute for medical treatment. While they may have potential health benefits, it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using these products.

Additionally, consumers should take care when purchasing CBD products. It is important to purchase products from reputable retailers and to ensure that the products have been properly tested for quality and safety.

Overall, while there are certain restrictions and limits in place for CBD products in Romania, consumers can still purchase and use these products legally as long as they follow the regulations set forth by the government.

Importing and Exporting CBD in Romania

If you are interested in importing or exporting CBD products in Romania. It is important to understand the regulations governing the process.

Romania is in the European Union (EU), which has its own CBD product regulations. Importing CBD products into Romania is permitted as long as the products comply with EU regulations.

However, there are still requirements that must be met when importing or exporting CBD products in Romania. Importers and exporters must hold a license. That must be issued by the Romanian National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (NAMMD) and comply with the EU’s Novel Food regulations. Regulations require CBD products to have a documented history of safe consumption prior to May 1997 for import or export.

It’s crucial to understand that CBD products imported or exported must adhere to Romanian THC content laws. The THC content in hemp-derived CBD products must be less than 0.2%. While the THC content in non-hemp-derived CBD products must be less than 0.3%.

Overall, importing and exporting CBD products in Romania is possible. However, it is important to ensure that all necessary licenses and regulations are in place to avoid any legal issues.

Future Outlook and Potential Changes in CBD Regulations in Romania

As the CBD market grows, Romania’s regulations are likely to adapt to meet the increasing demand for CBD products. The government is currently taking steps to update its drug laws, which could have significant implications for the CBD industry.

One potential change could be the legalization of cannabis for medical and/or recreational purposes. While this doesn’t guarantee CBD’s legalization, it may indicate a shift towards a more accepting stance on cannabis and CBD. Furthermore, if other European countries further relax CBD regulations, Romania may feel compelled to follow suit.

Another potential change could be the introduction of stricter regulations on CBD products. As the market grows, there is a risk of substandard or unsafe products making their way onto the shelves. Governments worldwide are addressing this issue by implementing testing requirements and establishing THC limits for CBD products. Romania may follow suit to ensure that consumers are protected.

It’s also possible that CBD laws and regulations in Romania could introduce new regulations specifically targeting CBD. For instance, the government might mandate specific warnings on CBD product labels. Establish advertising guidelines for retailers selling CBD products.

Overall, the future outlook for CBD regulations in Romania is uncertain. But it’s clear that the market is poised for growth. As CBD gains popularity, the demand for top-notch, secure products is expected to increase. As such, Romania’s regulations will need to keep pace with the changing landscape of the CBD industry.


In conclusion, the legal status of CBD in Romania is complex and constantly evolving. CBD is legal for sale and consumption with some restrictions. But, the rules for its cultivation and production can be stringent. Staying current with Romania’s CBD laws and regulations is essential to remain lawful.

Overall, it appears that Romania is moving towards a more accepting stance towards CBD. And it is possible that we may see further changes in the coming years. However, please keep in mind that legal changes will probably occur slowly and require some time.

If you are considering using or selling CBD products in Romania, it is crucial to consult with legal counsel. Ensure that you are fully aware of the laws and regulations that apply to your specific situation. By doing so, you can ensure you stay within the law and avoid legal problems.

In Romania, CBD is legal, but it’s crucial to use and sell it cautiously and stay updated on legal changes. By doing so, you can help to ensure that you have a successful and compliant experience with CBD in Romania.


What is the legal status of CBD in Romania?

CBD is legal in Romania as long as it contains less than 0.2% THC. CBD products that meet this requirement can be legally produced, sold, and consumed in the country.

Do I need a license to cultivate and produce CBD in Romania?

Yes, if you want to cultivate and produce CBD in Romania, you must obtain a license from the relevant authorities. This license ensures that you comply with the necessary regulations and quality standards.

What are the regulations for selling and distributing CBD in Romania?

Retailers in Romania are required to have the appropriate licenses and adhere to specific rules when selling CBD products. These regulations ensure consumer safety and product quality.

Are there any restrictions or legal limits for consumers of CBD in Romania?

CBD products in Romania must contain less than 0.2% THC. Additionally, there may be age restrictions and guidelines for the use of CBD products, so it’s essential to be aware of these before consuming.

What are the import and export regulations for CBD in Romania?

Importing and exporting CBD products in Romania requires compliance with the necessary procedures and documentation. It is important to understand the requirements to ensure smooth transactions.

What can we expect in terms of future CBD regulations in Romania?

While there may be potential changes in CBD regulations in Romania, it is crucial to stay updated on proposed legislation and evolving trends. These changes could impact the legality and availability of CBD products in the country.