Write For Us

Write for Us, Share your CBD Knowledge with us.

CBD Talker.com welcomes you to write a guest article on our website regarding CBD Education, CBD Laws, CBD Reviews, CBD Products, and CBD News.
Articles are a great way to offer your advice and skills to others so that they can start or grow their own CBD Products and CBD Reviews. Before you contact us, it’s important for you to read our guidelines.


  • For valid content, a Copyscape pass is necessary.
  • We, like Google and SEO, aren’t fans of duplicate content.
  • 1000-1500 words should be included in the article.
  • At least two photos, each of which must be at least 1024 pixels wide, must be included as part of your guest post CBD.
  • Divide your content into clear paragraphs, bullets, lists, etc to make it easier for users to read.
  • Links can be included if relevant but we will not link out which directly promotional to any sites that breach google policy.

Our readers come here for CBD news, so they’re looking for articles that are interesting and different but full of useful information and tips.

Write For Us On CBD-Related Topics

  • CBD’s Advantages
  • CBD’s Laws
  • CBD Products reviews
  • CBD’s Origins
  • CBD expert in-depth interview
  • CBD-infused recipes
  • CBD products are expensive
  • CBD firms that are the best
  • Use of CBD oil has resulted in a number of positive outcomes.

The Best Way To Find CBD Write For Us Page On Google

  • “Write for Us” + CBD
  • CBD + guest post + write for us
  • Guest post about CBD oil
  • “Write for Us” guest post by CBD
  • “Write for Us” + CBD
  • CBD + post a guest blog for us
  • “Write for Us + CBD Tips
  • “Write for Us on the CBD blog”
  • “Write for Us” + CBD tips

Guest posts we don’t like

We don’t like guest posts that are promotional and look and read like ads. By all means, talk about products that you love, but this is not advertising space. Also, please respect other writers’ work and make sure the content is unique and not just copied from others. We also insist the articles are in English and well written.


Be unique

All articles should be of your own creation. Of course, you can get inspiration from other sources, but please be mindful of copyright laws. Our readers want interesting and engaging content, not re-hashes of other people’s work.

Be relevant

We’re a CBD site, so that’s what our audience is interested in reading about.

Be careful

All articles must be factual and not incite or defame. We may reject or edit articles if we have concerns.